Rutgers vs. University of Delaware
EA Admissions Megathread
UD vs. Rutgers
I know this isnt an exclusive UIUC post but i really need some advice on what to do next?
Any idea what this means? I got an email saying I got into Rutgers New Brunswick, but it wont say which major. I had originally applied as an econ major
Honors College with no Merit
I’m an Academic Advisor at Rutgers and here is my advice:
Did anybody get any merit scholarships from New Brunswick?
What if Rutgers had a subway line?
I somehow got no money from Rutgers. Any advice?
So, today's the day...
Kelley: dream/target/safety
Do you think I can still get accepted after being deferred?
EA Decisions Megathread
Indiana U, Kelly School of Business and "Pre-Admission"