Steve Hytner Auditioned For Three Other Seinfeld Roles, Switched Up His ‘Seinfeld’ Audtion to Land Part of Annoying Kenny Bania
My favorite quotes I still use
What do you think are George's biggest regret in life?
Jackie Chiles has outdone himself!
If you had to give “Seinfeld” an alternative title (not including Jerry) what would it be?
Happy St. Patrick's day from New York's most famous Irishman!
My Drunk Brain Just Unlocked a Seinfeld Mystery: The Case of the Missing Drunkenness
The Dealership: George has no money and the machine is out of Twix. How does he pull off the candy lineup?
This Guy….
Who doesn’t love pie on pie day?
The Door in This Stall Goes All the Way to the Floor. George Would Be Proud
I think this was a little touched in the head.
The writing in “The Mom and Pop Store” is just incredible
If the bathroom stall door conversation had been allowed to resolve itself of its own volition, what's the outcome?
Sorry, I had to share this picture :)
Makes me laugh so hard
You walk through Jerry’s door and head to the kitchen. What snack you grabbing?
R/Seinfeld, you love George very much? May I ask why?!?
So R/Seinfeld... What are you ordering?
What was the most brutally honest line from the show?
Is it just me or does Seinfeld look different here?
people who shower for 30+ minutes, wtf you be doin in there?
Singer standing on top of bass drum
So, how much do you think Jerry paid for that suede jacket with the pink candy stipe lining?
Just for fun choose your top 5!