Finchie friends and trading daily thread
We do?
New to app, just completed 6 straight days! I only have one friend tho! Friend code B62F3986JZ
What does Madison think Michelle did to her?!?
Juan talking to David
Ok Carla! Go girl!
enjoy, madison! 🤡
How are these trash men consistently making on to the show?
I've never been to Chinatown
From the MAFSLifetime Instagram page. Platonic? 🙄
If Emem’s engagement, subsusquent marriage is true…
It’s bullshit my meds don’t work when I’m ovulating or on my period
Which current shows do you think are doing it right and which ones do you think are doing it all wrong?
Can we please talk about Ikechi
Dr Pia and Emem convo
Ebraheem is simply VILE