Asa tried her best (by @tian_zhu2357)
Doomed by the narrative
Would y'all kick her face for $10.000?
Any recs like this?
Title (by @suneomenoi)
Casual wear (by @GoldenPenHD )
ToWF Chapter 44 Spoiler
New Rule To Follow
sympathy bias toward ari
asa mitaka is love asa mitaka is life
This new guy looks like Cheol from Aslfua
Girl failure squad (@wanderjegson)
Sisters ( By @krembeni )
Can someone give me recs of an isekai in (modern) school settings like these?
Denji and Yoru (edit)
Bortomio made a contract to the Future devil (🎨bortomio)
Ok I'm confused
Chapter 194 - short animation
Divided (By @wischkaa)
What the hell does public safety feed these mfs with