Life Is All About Risk
Just Me
Blank Slate
AITA for refusing to have another child after my husband said our daughter isn't his "spiritual child"
A Great Legend👏
Now, Imagine These Guys Coincidentally Drives Behind You On Your Way Home From A Perfect First Date Dinner, On Christmas Eve.💖🌹❤💕
Sometimes, Life Is Not Fair.💕💖
Goodwill Meets Kindness. How Lovely.❤💖
AITAH for telling my 19F daughter she will have to move out of my house if i get divorce because of her lies after her stepdad saw her naked.
AITAH for Refusing to Attend My Brother’s Birthday Because He Never Paid Me Back the Loan I Gave Him and Is Living a Lavish Lifestyle Instead?
AITA for being friends with someone after declining their sexual advances?
AITAH (in making) for telling my friend’s husband he is also a parent and should be able to handle her night out
Posting on behalf of a friend— AITAH for blocking my friend when he called me the b-word?
AITAH for reporting my coworker to HR after he kept calling me names and mocking my appearance?
AITAH for not wanting my sister-in-law to bring her boyfriend to spend the night at our house?
AITAH for refusing to share my bio kids funds with step children
AITA for refusing to meet my dad and his GF
AITAH for cutting my cousin off?
AITA for Telling My Clingy Boyfriend to Go Fuck Himself?
AITAH For getting mad at my Fiancé for telling me to get over my fear.
Aunt and Uncle charged for Christmas dinner.
Car Insurance In St Louis?