Juno/short n sweet inspired bracelet
If you had to describe r/teenagers in 1 word what would it be?
Whats your favorite Movie?
How do I style this so it doesn't look like a wedding dress
What can i do with all of these crackers??
Is it weird for a girl to listen to metal?
I was bored so I down loaded custom cursor and made a Twilight themed cursor
I want someone to take my autism please
Out of the corner of my eye I thought that I left my daughter strapped into the hot car all day. Nearly gave me a heart attack. Who designed this??
Since I haven’t heard all the songs, I will be listening to two a day to give them a shot, which two do I listen to first?
Is Dulcinea a real name or a made-up one?
I literally hate being a teenage girl
Guys what is the skirt she’s wearing named?
My childhood bully sent me a letter asking for forgiveness after 15 years.
AITA if my friend bleached her a-hole with real bleach?
Do u think ur voice ‘matches’ u?
Why is every girl I catch feelings for always end up being a lesbian
A girl ordered an ice cream cone
Should Sabrina's concert's be 16+?
what is the best car brand
drop your 3 hottest takes
What do you think of the name Seraphina?
How do you start a religion
what's the first thing to come to mind when looking at my painting?