Já tá na hora de haver uma conversa séria sobre misoginia e misandria.
nada te faz ser mais rejeitado doq ser inapto socialmente
Burnout acaba com você de forma surreal e não é levado a sério o suficiente
Homens gostam de se vitimizar
Todo mundo deveria ser obrigado a trabalhar em um call center, telemarketing ou alguma espécie de atendimento ao público durante pelo menos um ano. Cria caráter.
Can we consider these to be Starscream's best looks in the entire franchise?
Corpo são mente sã. Terapia não vai te curar
Sim, eu li o texto todo e ainda digo que falou merda dms
Since today is International Women's Day, let's take a look at the best female characters in the franchise, in my opinion.
Oração de ateus e gays para o Papa Francisco🙏🏽🙏🏽
They create the best Starscream look in the movies only to never use it again.
Slipstream's look in Cyberverse may be controversial, but I personally like it a lot, even though it was used on the other seekers.
não aguento mais os "jovens conservadores"
Do you guys have any footage of a EF5 thats not a wedge
I realized that the premise of The Painter would fit very well with the aesthetic of Fake Documenty.
Alguém aqui é "fisicamente" incapaz de trair?
What other personality traits and behaviors might Mona have, based on what has been shown?
What I imagine episode 10 to be like
What do you guys think will happen in the Last ep
draw suggestions? obvs of mona lmao
My attempt at making a poster for The Painter
Why aren't there as many female villains in horror works? Especially slashers and analog horror?
If you were to deduce what Mona's story is based on almost nothing we have, what would it be?