Girlfriend's new tattoo
When do you think the show was at its peak? It was Fat Mac season for me
How about that?
Projecting Pano's onto geometry
I knew it!
What's your favorite one-scene character?
Renting gear - Advice
Mail Day! What Did You Pick Up This Week?
How is everyone getting on?
Who here actually has a job?
Which episode is not mentioned enough?
How hard is it to find a junior Compositor job in London?
A new theatrical poster has been revealed for "The Marvels"
My sealed collection
Do people like kick ass?
Getting close! Now we need the best sunny quote that starts with P, the best sunny quote that starts with Q, and the best that starts with R.
Those who have been let go, what are you currently doing?
What is Frank’s best quote?
What’s your Favourite Quote from King of The Rats, Charlie Kelly.
What does it smell like in here? (Wrong answers only)
wrangling kit list
Who is the best side character?
DIY Chrome/Grey ball help
General Feedback/Getting Started Questions and Answers [Weekly Thread]