Uber and Lyft threaten to abandon Chicago to avoid licensing
This is honestly dangerous. How is this a thing at 4:15am?
California Home, Prop.13 already in effect, need a transfer to child and keep tax rate.
Helen Mirren 'mirin
$15 cup of joe. At Sixth and Market. They're serious.
What is something important that a 17 year old should learn RIGHT NOW?
Fire at Market and Dolores.
I got a Phish tattoo yesterday.
This little guy up on Russian Hill
2 hours in Downtown Indy, most delicious one dish to have before I leave.
A Closer Look at the Housing Dialogue in San Francisco
7/25/15 - The Forum, Inglewood, CA - [Unofficial Setlist Thread]
Quitting law to become a doctor
Already have Vanguard Roth/2045 - What else?
Ankle injury - osteochondral defect of talar dome and micro-fracture surgery. Anyone similar injuries / recoveries?
stream link pm please
Worlds Collide in Santa Clara
In a desperate attempt to stay relevant, Angie's List sues Amazon
Hey /r/chicago, what are some good places to camp for a weekend?
Romantic in Park Frankendael / Amsterdam Oost
Tax exemption for non-profits
Jimmy Butler Is Your Father
Just like the Picasso statue and the Lucas Museum, everybody hated the Eiffel Tower when it was proposed.
Man pleads guilty to ejaculating into co-worker's coffee
Lottery Update Thread