Where to find Gargoyles?
Asking about the first nations people in the perth area.
Transperth seat sizes.
Pubs on the train line
AITA for breaking up with my partner after they won big and kept it all?
Almost media silence on gay cop death triangle
found out my (28m) gf (29f) is into weird elf porn, WIBTAH if i broke up with her
What is the most hateful verse or line that you can think of?
This is the best sub on the internet.
Felt like being insulted
Plant nurseries & wholesale recommendations (SOR)
How to approach my headchef for a fulltime job.
Is Spearwood one of the most undervalued Suburbs in Perth?
AITA for considering a breakup because my boyfriend has a gross kink?
Unauthorised fireworks in Sydney Park! Where did they come from? There were quite a lot. I haven't been able to buy them for years.
[Request] This can't be correct, right? Where is the problem with this?
Scammers are texting me. Should I get a new phone number?
McDonald’s Cheesburger
Is anti vegan real?
AITAH for telling my gf looks don’t matter
What are these mushrooms? Hi, New here and saw these in the lawn, kids stepped on it, and touched it. Should I be worried? Thanks. They look like golf balls exploded.
Place to sleep tonight
Car drove through my wall last night (Spearwood)
Not all ads are the same
WA farmers face shooting sheep as prices plummet