How much is this worth?
First pack I've bought since i was 10 (15+ years)
Caedrel tried to leak the Worlds script but flipped DK and Top Esports to not make it obvious
Pedro legit got leaked the worlds script except for the DK cope
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Monthly budget 2022 of a 25 year old Swede living in a 1 bedroom 59 m2 (645 sqft) apartment [OC]
🎵Hey Look Ma, I Made It🎵 Finally reached Master :) ~40h playtime D4->Master
Visiting in Nice, France and i get my burger delivered on this?? Was impossible to cut without parts falling off
/r/buildapc x charity:water RTX 3080 giveaway!
Finally got my dream car (ND2). Been lurking here for a long time, finally my time to post something
It is finished. (First PC build)