Maybe im a noob but can king permanently stun lock when he gets one low kick off?
How do you fight T8 Raven?
350hr first time tekken player rant/cry for help
What controller do you use?
My little girl passed away
How do I stop tilting in Tekken?
Were anyone else’s parents really, um, weird about puberty and sexual development?
Nmom tried to ruin my daughters funeral
my fucking wife died. . .
What's one of the most humbling moments you've had in your Tekken journey?
I hate how when someone gets buffed, Everyone hops on the Bandwagon
Patch 1.05
I miss my little girl so much
The 8Bitdo M30 is the best Fighting pad available right now
Raven Mains, Give me the sauce!
How do you honour your lost loved one?
What do you guys like to do to distract yourselves
What do other players get right or wrong about your main?
FUCK Wi-fi players.
I love Shaheen
I need some help finding a third character
Finally tenryu Shaheen
I lost my 4 month old to SIDS and I am refusing to be honest about how I am actually doing
How many people actually play their main, but not other characters?