Let me hear about your “re-skins…”
Do Africans find it offensive when mixed black Americans adopt their culture?
Fuck cars amirite?
They messed up
Tell me your unpopular race hot takes
I feel like this is just really petty
The „American Garden“ in the ‚Gardens of the World’ exhibition in Berlin is simply an LA style parking lot
But it's not the same!
What is your current/most recent character?
As a 16 year old American girl I stand with Palestine
How much is the issue OSR has with 5E/Modern DnD the ruleset or the culture?
Weird thing
Warlock Player is trying to kill all NPC’s he comes across.
Do we need more systems?
Free OSR analog zines!
DM has a DMPC and they’re too powerful in my opinion. DM disagrees. How do I approach?
I, a French, drew all 50 states from memory. Tell me how bad I did.
America Maxing
Most disliked countries per nation - Accurate?
Pros and cons of using historically based cultures
Enjoy hell if the U.S collapses, you foreign scum
What does Kabee mean to Christians and Jews?
Choose your favorite undead: Mine is the Skeleton Warrior
Taking over an entire country
Saw A DnD Post From Someone Who Clearly Wanted A Different System
How easy should it be to avoid a random wilderness encounter?