De lente zit weer in de lucht
How many people is a french life worth?
A train is hurtling towards a French person (correction)
Alex Jones Tries To Confront Tesla Protesters
A rap sheet that would have made Al Capone proud…
Bestellen jullie nog bij Dominos / New york pizza?
I don't get it
Think wisely this could be the worst 3-24 hours of your life
Waarom staat hier "0% alcohol" op??
30 yo, no morning woods
Atheist members of this community, is there any interesting philosophical argument for god that gives you pause?
Kiezen niet meer te kopen vanwege onacceptabele prijsstijgingen.
Arnhemmers wat is jullie favoriet muziek nummer
What’s the most disturbing horror scene you’ve ever watched, and why did it affect you so much?
What’s one GOOD thing you can say about A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) ?
De "islamitische" kinderen van Rutte"
What movie has SO much potential but completely fumbled the execution?
Smeg zegels ah
Woede in debat over PVV-voorstel om gevangenen staand te laten slapen: 'Auschwitz-methode'
Age yourself with a movie you saw in theatres as a kid!
God forbid free trade between countries
Should've kept the helmet on
They say the best thing about getting dementia is….
Een paar mensen om samen te beginnen met hardlopen?