new cat is terrified please help
DrBones’ 1,000+ Divine Giveaway
Thinking of putting up a bird feeder next to my cat tree, will city birds get spooked?
Is it normal for a newly adopted cat to not like toys/active play?
Tempest flurry on controller issues
2 Weeks Out Video
levels or spirit on minions
[NOOB] First Stormweaver struggling with tankiness
Do you have to love BJJ to do it long-term, given the chronic injury risk?
Favorite braindead builds?
r/bjj Fundamentals Class!
Suggestions for minion build upgrade - Budget 15 div
How important is minion chaos res?
Build that can do all content (including T4 Simulacrum) for <50 divines that also doesn't feel bad?
Trivialize all content with 10d Shockburst/Rods Deadeye
This show is fantastic, but if you had to criticize one thing about it, what would it be?
Holy crap Blink is game changing even without Temporalis
Questions Thread - January 15, 2025
Is there anyway to get better at breachs w/ witch minion build?
Fantasy- or Scifi-themed games I can play while listening to a podcast?
Questions Thread - January 13, 2025
Questions Thread - January 09, 2025
Does PoE2 work as a 'podcast game'?
TAMY goes over the Olympics with Ai!