افاتار البنت اللي هتعلقك بيها وبعدين تختفي للأبد
ايه اكتر مواضيع بتحبوا تتكلموا فيها مع الناس
I feel sad and disappointed for his wife...if he really has one.
سبتوا بعض ليه؟
I need to gain weight
How do I stop craving external validation?
لما اكون زهقان بدخل علي بوستات الفيمنست واكتب غشاء البكاره دليل على شرف البنت بيبقا شكلهم كدا
كيف أتعامل مع بشرتي
سؤال غريب بس عايزة اسئله
How do you not feel low self-esteem?
هل ده مبرر
People who forgave their partner for cheating, how did that turn out?
لمربيين القطط
I’m a gay muslim, who knows I will never experience a true romantic love from a stranger
Daily Discussion Thread
Gemma would be top tier TV bombshell gold
do you have a sibling thay you don’t get along with at all?
Maybe Grace and Luca are more compatible than what we think?
Dump more islanders!!
do you have a sibling thay you don’t get along with?
what's up with the Grace slander?
Samie is stunning
ازاي اقدر احافظ على الصلاة ؟
Past Islanders All Star Reviews (s2, ep 22)
Can Ekin just go home?