Betrayal? Drunk gf napped near friend
GF went to sleep in other room with my friend
Anger management issue/ fragile ego
I just pushed my friend against the wall as hard as I possibly can and stormed out of his house because of something he said about Reddit, and I still have the adrenaline rush. Just have to let this out
AITA for entertaining a nipple debate in a public park?
What would Y O U have made the top 10 (or more) of the series if YOU had the control over it? You can make up feats or fights for it
The biggest asspull no one talks about
It's HER choice to wear a skirt like that! Why can't you respect it??
Did anyone of ya"ll know ts 💀
QUINN VU!!! by @clonejori
Imagines emergency; yells at wife
AITA for the way I told my wife she needs to be able to communicate during a potential emergency situation?
My parents said they won’t
My parents said they won’t help pay for the wedding if my fiancé’s sister attends
Is this accurate or nah?
what do I do?
AIO for thinking my boyfriends cheating because he shaved
My husband got me a vacuum for my 50th
Men are not a monolith
Sakura outranking both Maki and Nobara in the women’s choice voting is hilarious I cannot lie
I thought only Western women were bad
Thai dating the shocking truth
Give her old colour scheme back Rito, what is this nerf?
Don't be the 'ass' in 'assume'
Is tjis good or bad representation. Debate now
$15 create your RPG group to fight the Demon King
Hakari makes the kids fight and absolutely bet on who'd win :) last round, who just straight up kills all 5 kids?
Told this guy I played league 😭😭
Take a guess why this artist is considered a "gringo/yankee" according to the racist side of the Latino community
"Women have no respect for a lot of men"
Men want to feel needed and catered too. Women don't understand this.