What bread is my cat?
What type of bread is my cat
A qué juego retarian a la muerte para salvar su vida?
16 m
which country is this?!?!(wrong answers)
my attempt to draw south america from memory
What Is This Country? Wrong Answers Only!
The biggest giga chad in Oversimplified Lore
The arepa debate. Who do you support?
give me a (historical) country and I'll draw it in chibi style. I'll only do one cuz i'm lazy
What country is this? Wrong answers only
What were your opinion on the second punic war video?
Ain’t NO WAY!!! 🤯
Main sub.
Any body interested , private message me to see "the manuver"
More than two years have passed since this day. What would have been Mymy's reaction?
Ask me a question and edit it to make me look GOOD (I will answer horribly to them)
igual le voy aunq discrimine
Asi nos ven realmente. Con razon siempre piden tomarse fotos con los indigenas o niños pobres
Can someone with a title of I.E , work at a company like Lockheed Martin?
En qué lugar de LATAM podríamos un parque de Disneylandia?
Thoughts on Ongezellig?
A map I did while I was bored
Zonas para vivir cerca del centro