Am I the only one who thinks they could have used him in so many ways to help achieve their goals?
My Spanish teacher started playing RDR2
Let’s say you were in charge of the Saint Denis heist how would you have done it in a way that minimized bloodshed and kept the gang safe?
Why does she look like that ?
Finally did it ! How much time did it took you ?
Do you think Rockstar deliberately screwed us over by not adding a way to track progress for the Herbalist 9 challenge?
What would you remove from the game?
I am now a proud Mary Linton hater and you should too !
Does it still give you that little pinch to the chest ?
Can we really blame Dutch for believing John was the rat?
what is the difference between violet, gold and grey door?
I sincerely hate everything about this mission.
Countless playthroughs, and I’m still blown away by the beauty of this game.
Not winning any trophy for TS, to me, feels like a war crime.
It’s officially been 100 hours in Chapter 3, personal final chapter.
It’s not THAT weird…right ?
Does someone know why my horse got frightened and what Arthur saw?
Favorite Dutch Line?
Do you think there was ever a possibility of a good ending where everything worked out?
Any music recommendations?
Any recommendations to really expand my music taste ?
A little bit contradictory
Gambler 8 !
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