Tell me a Bedtime Story
Keys: Jacob Collier. Uke Bass: Jacob Collier. Drums: Jacob Collier. Trumpet: Bradfords brother. Sax: Kenneth Gorelick Jr.
Who would be in your jazz super group?
Harmonically/melodically weird solos to transcribe.
Herbie Hancock on Cocks in His Audience: ‘That Means Your Music Is Dead’
What the 13 keys to the white house look like right now (IMO)
What the 13 keys to the white house look like right now
Who was the most handsome president?
Original 1987 newspaper clipping
Which President is the greatest speaker?
Allan working harder than any rock guitarist just to play E.
Pentatonic shifting and side stepping
Has anyone ever argued with you about your height ' you can't be 5'10 because I'm 6 foot so you must be 6'3!
Jazz cliches that bother you?
When most celebrities die, so many nice things are said about them. But who’s a celebrity that died that no one really said great things about afterwards?
Can anyone transcribe this for $20?
As a newer Steely Dan fan. I just wanna say the last 3-4 minutes of Aja is absolute musical bliss.
So most pros use Back hand english or parallel english?
Today's shot 2
Who was the most vulgar President?
Is this jazz driver?
Which one of you jerks did this?
Theodore Roosevelt not wearing his glasses
Beautiful sky tonight (In Detroit anyway), what’s your favorite stargazing jazz instrumentals?
Name your favorite overlooked/underrated jazz pianist(s)
What's one weirdly specific thing you have in common with a president?
Murdered at blues jam