I relate soo hard to amber
opinions on emily drinking?
some istp memes i stole from pinterest :P
i feel like tam kaur copies simonesquared a lot
tam kaur copies simone no doubt
Can You Guess Which Cricketer This Is?
tirth parsana exposed badly 😭 (read body)
Calories don’t count if you eat with love
NYC is the ‘worst’ US city for dating, study confirms
Israel flag in their latest video
is it just me or is evelyn trying too hard with the whole milennial thing? its so obvious
A Love Letter to Each Type - ISTP
did it hit?
Is evelyn trying to make the apart seem like it’s hers or is it really?
Anyone else thinks Evelyn's new apartment is super mid?
Expect kids soon
Does anyone else wish more for evelyn?
They can't hide thinking of us as "it" and something to use.
Newest vlog - sending her Cali friend a "care package" but it's just her giving away all the free PR she gets/doesn't like lmao
Emily’s response to the Selden post
Venezuelan immigrants deported from USA arrive at the Terrorism Confinement Center in El Salvador 25
Unable to watch romcoms since becoming 4b (We live in a time - romcom horror story)
They Infect Everything. This has to be my “everything” subreddit - I can’t take part in discussions elsewhere because they STAIN it.
emily’s ex
Nobody reads eBooks? lol