Black goat by Rinotuna
Omg it's happening soon 😯
You can now long-press a Pokémon to see the expected damage it will deal
Whats the point of two options here if both give the same amount of XP on winning?
New update's changes
crescent moon by Rinotuna
Jack Daniel’s by Rinotuna
Bring back Flamin’ Hot Cheetos in the Philippines!!
blue jay by Rinotuna
Probability of getting a crown rare
Are all players in one server?
What do we think about this binder?
By age 30, what should a man already have?
Is an AI deck builder a thing
Straight guy retracted everything he said
How do you feel about slurs like “faggot” or “fag”
Does vaping make our voice deeper like cigarettes?
Official Discussion - Carry-On [SPOILERS]
What are your must-watch/recommended 2024 movies
What are your must-watch/recommended 2024 movies?
Why do you think you're still single? This question is for those who have "a good look". Is it you're personality, low self-esteem/confidence, poor social skills
What is the hardest pill you've swallowed this year?
What is the real reason you are still single?
TIFU for being too drunk last night
What are your top 3 apps?