in typescript, do modern, small scale startups even need to worry about bundling/minification, etc?
Interested in part-time freelancing web dev jobs.
How do you deal with incomplete garbage github issues?
What was the first IDE you used to code?
Would you mind roasting my site
How do you guys host your websites?
Simple Vertical Start Menu (Concept inspired by Windows 95)
I developed an open-source tool to build a Windows script directly from your browser. Allows for complete control and customization over the script.
Is it normal to wait almost 1 month for Google verification?
Anyone use WinScript or Bloatboxer?
More structured and manageable way of writing pseudo classes in vanilla CSS
In the beginning was Peter Thiel & Elon Musk - future architects of dismantling America
How to debloat windows?
Should I open the CS:GO Weapon Case or sell it?!
Is it a waste of time or a good idea?
Can Zen really replace Arc?
GIVEAWAY: Ursus Knife | Stained (FT) - Just comment your favourite CS weapon to enter!
I'm going insane with GPU noise.
r/audiophile Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk Thread
r/AudioEngineering Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Should I buy an xr in 2025?
Are this steps enought to use win10 safely forever?
Debloating Windows 10
But using only Windhawk ?