Which game is this for you?
Drop your best war films now
Something that confused me, why is it that so many “Christians” support Donald Trump? Isn’t he like the antithesis of any Christian values?
Has anyone tried to put the death wing terminator helmet on a captain in terminator armor? I’m trying to figure out if it would look good but I can’t find any pictures
Newbie here got a question!
Book/Author Suggestion
Anyone willing to give album suggestions based on my favorite industrial albums so far?
Fav songs with saxophone in them
Songs about NOT wanting to be in love
What are your favorite weird songs? (as in weird lyrics)
Does anyone remember playing with these cards (Trump Cards or Top Trump) in the 70s? They were popular in Europe and Asia, don't recall seeing them in America.
Who is your favorite artist from Sweden?
Songs That Have Aged Poorly Knowing What We Know Now
Fantasy/medieval systems with very light magic. Preferably without gods
Songs whose titles are Women's names from A-Z (with absolutely no other words)
What songs have ridiculously long names (excluding features in the title)
What instantly ruins a pizza?
Title, album, and band are all the same
Increments of time
Song titles with questions and song titles with their corresponding answers
Age yourself with a movie you saw at the cinema as a kid.
Bands you wished you'd seen live in their Prime..
I can’t even respond to someone’s request. I give up.. sub is everything you all said it was lol. Thanks for being cool here.
What’s your top three or top five favorite Alien films?