Evening Ranked Sessions PC
[EU] Apex Ranked shenanigans during the evening
Sudden Price Spike WOW Token
Are you our +1 EU RANKED ? PC
Plat [EU]Ranked - S17 - Two elderly gentleman looking for a third to complete our goofy ranked adventures
2 old Geezers in their 30's are looking for a +1 for Ranked Adventures up to Diamond in Apex [EU][PC]
EU Plat/Diamond Ranked/Pubs M35, People to run it down with and have fun
2 old Geezers 35+ are looking for a 3rd, aspiring to casually grind to masters PC [EU]
[PC] [EU] Old man is looking for people to casually grind Diamond with in the new split
PC EU Oldies Duo M/F looking for a 3rd to casually grind Diamond
EU Plat/Diamond Oldies Duo M/F looking for a 3rd
EU Plat/Diamond Oldies looking for a 3rd
[Bug] Ranked Points Progress not shown
/r/HeroesoftheStorm Virtual Ticket Giveaway
Fnatic Smx starts doing Hots coaching
Came back to the game after 3 months, has this become a common occurence?
BlizzCon 2018 Virtual Ticket Giveaway (Ends Soon!)