They won’t find me a bride because…
[UPATE] She is too good to be true.
If Indian women suddenly experienced what's it like to be an Indian man for a week, what would break them first?
What is enough to be get respect in his process as a man?
Rejected 40/45 times in my first week on matrimony
What if men stopped marrying and just focused on dating instead?
Lack of confidence is my biggest roadblock
Walmart DE-III HM Round
Should I leave Persistent Systems (14 Lpa)after 10 days of joining for 17.5lpa at Coforge ?
Should partner have access to everything about us ?
Working in tech but hate it
How will you react if you find out your wife lied about her past affairs after marriage ?
Any heirloom that is passed down through generations and now it's yours?
Is Not Being in IT Really a Dealbreaker for Marriage?
Treading the Arranged Marriage market since ~ 4 yrs.
How to get over fear of never finding Love that you deserve?
Is the Feminism Movement in India Moving in the Right Direction?
I never really cared about travelling and I don't like adventures.
i filed a case of harassment on my professor three years ago
Arranged marriage setup disgusts me!
Why are people and especially men so bothered about not getting dates and relationships?
Lost a JS Match Due to Bad Start
What did your parents, especially mother think about the Atul Subash fiasco?
Profile Review - What to improve ?