Communists worse than Nazi's? Am I reading that correctly?
How would I test if some "paper tape" doesn't contain plastic if it's extremely tough, waterproof and shiny?
[Black Serpent] Simp for her!!
Let's see those suggestions
I like the real versions of those eras, not the white supremacist larping fantasy versions
How do you make soap?
Why would you put the left-leaning bar on the right and the right-leaning bar on the left?
That's. Not. How. Autism. Works.
[discussion] I guess I'm pretty far down the rabbit hole
Mi annoio quindi domanda esistenziale
[Martial Wild West] is it completed?
Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
Well that took a dark turn
I’ve lost hope in humanity..
You find a shriveled up old man in a lotus position,not breathing and covered with dust and cobwebs in a cave. What do you do young Daoist?
[Help] Similar series about these two?
KSY reference ahahahahah
Political repression in putin's Russia is worse than in the late Soviet Union
Peter please help
[Chronicles of the demon faction] That's a real Heavenly demon
How cooked am I?
Okay, hear me out guys
[Tier List] murim manhwa!
I can't even read what it says
Im taking a MASSIVE SilkShit rn