Starling Bank.
Quilter Academy
Servers down again?
XT-2 + Leica Summar 5cm
Integrated Black Mist Filter | Leica Summar 5cm
Are there financial advisors for normal people?
What’s this spot on the front lens element?
Insurance: Exceed annual estimated mileage last year, new policy.
Portra 400: Digital Simulation vs Analog
Grindy Games with lots of content
Are the Fujinon 27mm f2.8 "pancake" and 35mm f2.0 redundant?
Protest [Leica iiif + Canon 35mm f2.8 - Expired Portra 400 NC]
Muay Thai Wai Kru [Canon A1 + 50mm F1.4 | Cinestill 800T]
Street photographers?
How would you edit this photo?
Any info on this lens?
The building was empty [Pentax 17, Portra 400]
Rollei XF35 - Light Seals?
Sirmione | Revue ML | Kodak UltraMax 400
Rate my b&w photos, what can I do to improve? [Pentax P30, 50mm 1.7, 28mm 2.8, various film stocks]
Lincoln Cathedral, Pentax 17, Portra 400
Portra 400 - 26 years expired
XT-2 - Chiang Mai
Light Leak Help?