put the titties away PLEASE
definitely meeting a sugar daddy
Why is it so hard to make friends??
My guess it’s some kind of photoshoot since we would’ve heard about him going on a trip for 30 days prior if that was it
No carb diet- seeking advice from those on it. What do I do?
When did you stop quiet time?
Having Two Kids is so so HARD
Selena aging beautifully
Except for Amber
B&T were so graceful to C&T. They have no one to blame for their situation but themselves. It’s not hard to keep Carly’s life private and not start an OF 🤡 (slide 3 just for lols)
Here’s the video of him talking about his ex and the fish. Sounds like you did more damage, Mike.
Kail's post for her 33rd birthday
EXCLUSIVE! Jenelle Evans’ Case Against Ex David Eason for Restraining Order Violations Dismissed; Judge Rules David’s October Visit to The Land Was Not Violation
To everyone who thought C & T initially understood the adoption, NAH they felt entitled since DAY 1!
Selena slayer Yolanda Saldívar blames singer for her own death, family says
$100k a month
Keto food question
9 year old is always so negative
With a big age gap, how do you avoid parentifying the older child?
No caption needed ("fit check")
$ totals
Amber and Leah
Before they are public figures, they are family.
Oh come on