If there’s only eight survivors what will cause the rest of them dying?
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Which horror movie had a 10/10 first act but it was all decline after that?
Shauna must not stay leader long...
“iF yOu tHiNk tHeY aRe all bAd pEopLe why dO yoU eVen wAtCh?!?!”
Nat, patron saint of forgiving everyone but herself
Shanua and Natalie 's role change in S3EP06
Shauna Defender
Unpopular take: I don’t think ______ ever gets exiled or searches for civilization on her own
What happens to the other girls?
He read all her diaries. He knows everything. EVERYTHING. And yet....
Where are we in the 19 months
I really don’t believe the girls get rescued from their camp
Accurate representation of us haha
"You know how bad it can get."
Nat's punishment
Not gonna lie it’s disappointing HUT only did like 56 million, it deserved more. I wonder why tho because he’s definitely a bigger artist than Carti…
Theory: Evans Johnson is playing _____
my heart just broke
Yellowjackets S03E06- “Thanksgiving (Canada)” Post Episode Discussion
Well…They’re Screwed…..
Walter’s parents?!?
Horrendously Slow Weekend Too Close To Call With ‘Novocaine’ & ‘Mickey 17’ Each At $8M; ‘Black Bag’ Looking at $6M, ‘Looney Tunes’ Weak with Just $2.15M – Friday Midday Update
Coach Ben…….