Can men and women be platonic friends without either one catching some sort of romantic feeling?
Who would win in a fight George Washington or Abraham Lincoln?
Is it wrong to NOT tell your SO that another woman flirts/flirted with you?
What’s your wildest fantasy, sexual or nonsexual?
What is the greatest feeling a human can feel?
Do mechanics have to buy their own tools?
What are the point of fake zippers on suitcases?
What are some things to do when you have a fractured ankle?
What is the best way to utilize 3 hours?
Has anyone actually been brave/stupid enough to mash one out during school
What you would want to be given as a gift to you right now ?
What are you going to improve about yourself in the new year?
What is your go-to midnight snack?
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you desire to continue life?
Are you scared of death?
Best Rock Artist/Band
What is everyones favorite song?
Whats your favorite song
What’s are you in the 1% of?
What should I draw?
How do you prefer your pizza?
Are therapists allowed to have sex with their client if the client requests to?
Would you kill your sibling/relative for $1,000,000,000?
If you had one wish, and you can't ask for more wishes, what would it be?
Whats love got to do with it.