Cassandra Cain at BBTS
Supergirl Page Puncher
BBTS Prices Increased
New Superman Looks Great in Person
You guy's weren't kidding about her scale being off
Kong/Batman Sale $49.99
What in the werewolf kangaroo anatomy is this?!
Is this License Available?
Nightmaster Instock at Nerdzoic
Superman - The Silver Age
New doctor fate figure
Any fix for figure arm?
The Evil Lord of Destruction has arrived
How did I do?
This Is The Way (Custom Mandotron)
So good
Custom Idea’s Needed
He's on the way!
Abandoned projects
I can’t explain it…
New McFarlane Toys Listings [2/26/25]
More BS Platinums to be released
My superpowers Green lantern has the wrong right arm 😭