How do you normally react if your woman sends you random sexy pics?
What is one opinion of yours that other Indians would not agree with ?
What are some of the weirdest things you have been accused of which you had no knowledge of ?
Heart, accept the fact it's over.
I fell for a guy from different religion
Dating as a guy is humiliating sometimes
When's it going to be my turn
Wish I could be somebody's only one.
Touch starvation is finally getting to me
Is it possible to have that connection/spark with someone you meet online ? Like how do you guys trust each other ?
Dear Fever Dream
Stop with the what ifs dude
Wish life had a reset button.
Let's meet again in the next life
Fever Dream
None can break you after that person
Want that ass on my lap
They will judge anyway, so whatever.
Turning 30 this year
What is your definition of love ?
One will save you others will try to kill you
Your hug could cure almost everything.
Not everyone deserves someone like you.
I'm not manipulative, I'm just dumb.