Is this gaslighting? Fiancé (36M) denies saying something if I (24F) point it out.
Does a F-250 + Wells Cargo Trailer require DOT in the state of Florida?
Sarah Titus
"Knowing God" blog post
How can I coach my fiancé through his family being insane?
Where did you get your wedding invites and how much did you spend?
How much do you plan to spend on photography?
Do you think a Game of Thrones processional would be too cheesy?
Women who enjoy anal sex, how was the first time compared to now?
Aio my gf went on a date with another guy.
Failed nicotine test
Goldens: Derpy AND Sophisticated
Would this rub you the wrong way?
How to get over people not being kind back?
Loose skin: changing my mindset
Mom concerned I'll be depressed when I can't eat things
I ate one tenth of my plate and I have no regrets.
Women, how much weight did you drop in the first 3 months?
What's your schedule like as a car salesman?
Sister traveling across the country to pick up someone’s “daughter”
Question about marijuana
Newbie here, which protein shakes are the best?
Do 'stubborn' dogs exist?
Hating myself right now