If you were to have 3 abilities from pillar chase what would they be? (Photo unrelated)
Pillar Chase 2 monster themes tierlist (my opinion)
What your main says about you
If the Pillar Chase monsters were in Smash, who would be your main?
What r your controversial takes about the game?
How was I supposed to counter PCX? I tried everything I could, but I still died :(
Did i cook?
if blade made another skin contest, what skin would you create to have a chance of it being one of the winners? (gif unrelated)
How cooked is bro?
What power would you have during a zombie apacolypse?
Which one will you want? Only pick one and explain why.
Who would actually win?
They both are equally evil, I dont get it
If you had the power to fly, what would your flying pose be?
Is it just me or is Raum an amazing Point Tank now?
Shrek’s sons have gone awol
thragg vs makima who win this?
Attack Franco that never lands. Magic Johnson with sky piercer. At least they're not using Selena
Do your absolute worst
Explain trevenant like I’m 5
The date of your birth is the Hazbin female character you will play Seven Minutes In Heaven(or Hell) with.
I remember I used to train like this back then lol
who do you think is a universally loved protagonist?
Say the country that you live, without saying it