Sending everyone who recommended Hypnotic Poison to me immediately to jail.
What’s a stop you in your tracks perfume?
Which sign?
What’s your sun sign? I wanna see which signs are the most/least active on this sub…
Is life meaningless?
Mook’s boyfriend IRL is worth $175 billion
Jennifer Aniston and Pedro Pascal spark romance rumors with 3-hour dinner
What's the best war film in your opinion?
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius : which is the scariest moon sign when angry in you opinion?
What actor was soo good that you watched all of their movies?
Any other Pisces have issues getting along with people during Aries season or Aries in general?
Which sign is like this?
Dy you prefer men with chest hair or without
No matter what people tell you, what is something you’re fine with missing out on?
Do we all agree?
What do you hate most about humanity?
Erika’s “humble” apartment
Should I remove this wall?
Sagittarius was voted as the most Rude Zodiac sign, and Cancer was voted as the least. Next: Which sign is the most funny, and which is the least?
Has any pisces female aquarius male relationship ever worked for yall?
Pisces and Virgo - what’s your opinion?
what’s lindsay logan’s best hair color?
What is a bad habit you have been trying to stop but haven't been able to yet?
In your opinion, which food tastes better the next day?
Did an exterminator finally get rid of your carpet beetle problem?