Online poker where to start
FBO job starting a little under a week in a half (March 17) and Southwest starting April 28th
how frustrated do you guys get?
Does Trumps newly signed hiring freeze, affect TSA?
Someone mentioned I’d start to get lazy a few months in and just start tossing the bags in the pit
negatives coming soon to denver ramp
How do you deal with downtime?
Can I take the Coconut grove metro rail to the MIA airport?
This is why there is no room in the overheads
Tech ops left a ladder under the plane and the weight of the bags squished it
Trying new things. These braids are so much more comfortable working in the Florida heat.
OFFER buying a meal for first person to guess what this is!
Guess They Said Good Enough..
Adopted from the humane society yesterday
what name suits him?
Is my Bf right about cleaning my butt ?
Is it really that bad to wash with just my hands and not a washcloth?
What’s your go-to breakfast break meal?
Update on the depression den: progress, not perfection
Is wingstop Cajun corn spicy?
Depression also got the best of me
Do dealerships offer car shipping service to another dealership?
Highest paid rampers in the US??