What is your goal salary as a trader? (And current)
Looking for partners
The shocking truth, 99.99% of crypto is scam
Telsa is worth 80$
So with GTC next week what are ya thoughts?
This Is Not Something To Ignore.
What strategies/ tactics helped you become a profitable trader?
Need advice basically stuck at near breakeven/slightly profitable
Is a Simple Moving Average based strategy profitable over long period?
I sold 80% of my NVDA position.
$230 Profit Today
Wow MACD really works!
✅ Daily Chat Thread and Discussion ✅
Apple is such a loser - no nvidia
What are your day trading rules?
Historical question
$210 Profit Today
How are you making money in these markets?
So curious where SPY support comes from
How do you control you Emotion in Trading?
MODS! Can we please get a poll for this sub?
maybe maybe maybe
This pisses me off
Will the stress ever go away?
The Backtesting Paradox: If a Strategy Works, Why Not Just Automate It?