Dating someone with BPD?
Marriage/baby pact or plan B
What are the alternative ways of managing an overactive thyroid?
ADHD and Punctuality Issues Affecting my Dating Success
Am I(F20) being dramatic about what happend with bf(M21)?
At what point??
Am I Pregnant? Megathread
Skipped period - but not pregnant
My first ever skipped period - but not pregnant
Period changed all of a sudden
Being impatient
Best ways to leave clues throughout and how to create a great plot twist?
Bouncer/ security guard allowed to give out their number?
Woman asked me out but also seems terrified of me at the same time, what gives...?
Fantasy/world building / original ideas or concepts with a side of romance
He left me on read?
girlfriend introduced me to guy she slept with
Did I fuck up beyond recognition?
Stuck in a situation with my crush need help pls
Advice on asking a co-worker out?
Am I getting my hopes up for a lost cause?
The guy (23M) I’m (21F) talking to sleeps with his girl friends, how do I deal with this?
Is he even into me?
Did I get my hopes up for nothing? And in turn hurt my own feelings