Is there anything that gives you a sense of purpose?
Anyone struggles with the urges of getting your shit together?
As someone struggling to become an independent adult, what should one know already by the age of 21?
Do my parents know I’m gay?
I keep dreaming of people I miss that don’t care about me
What’s your experience like taking medication for mental disorders?
Shit you make when there’s barely any food in the fridge
Thinking about dying
Things that helped you stop your thoughts?
Thinking about starting medication but not sure how long to wait
Feeling like I lose confidence even after 7 days of not driving?
I can’t take it anymore
My new little NEET corner.
I’ll never be happy until I leave home.
Frauding to parents by getting a degree I won’t ever use
How can I cope with my life not mattering?
I’m too afraid to leave the house
Victory for Daniel Villegas! He is finally free after 25 years behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit!
I'll donate to my favorite streamers but refus eto tip restaurant servers
I can’t talk to people anymore
Any other NEETs like night walks?
Want to fix your sleep and wake times? Let me know if you want me to write up a guide
accurate representation of my life
I’m depressed all the time and I want to be alone forever