Verizon isn’t happy about their customers stretching out their upgrade cycles. LOL. Last I checked, they eliminated 24-month cycles and forced 36-months. What outcome did they expect?
ATT Fiber 1 G Backup Internet Options in FL?
Opinion on same sex marriage in the US.
New York City bets on T-Mobile for faster 5G and better public safety
What's the best sushi in Miami thats fresh/delicious but also decently priced?
What’s the deal with men’s t shirt sizes?
Lots of outages <1s
Pediatrician Really Insistent On Giving Baby Shellfish
Why is cell coverage in Miami so atrocious?
NYC/New York Non-Resident | 147 Days Start to Finish | So why haven't you applied yet ?
Are these worth it yet?
It’s 2025’s national hate [south] Florida day!
Directions to install mRemoteNG from Github on windows?
Muslim owner for Kosher business
What you guys have to say?
Noticed all the planes tonight landing at FTL flying in from the east and not west like usual. Any reason why?
Is there really no way to turn off the phone?
FusionPBX w/Polycom VVX Reject Call to Voicemail
6 Mo EV vs Fuel cost. Tesla vs Reality
COVID Deaths Per State
how is compliance with 10DLC Call to Action (CTA) monitored?
Thoughts on this hardware?
Please tell me if this hardware will work well
ATT tech just threw away a whole roll of fiber