Any suggestions/feedback for my map
Listening to Dan describe Trump’s character today reminded me of a great quote
Need my barber locked in
What movie has the most jaw dropping introduction you have ever seen ?
Why do people say that Shogun 2 is the best/most polished game? I didn't like it my first playthrough but am considering giving it a second chance
Writing Godot shaders may be tricky, but it's very rewarding in the end!
ogre ai rework when?
Influencers be like: "Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude"
I finally watched ‘A Serbian Film’
The marketing worked
Gotta get at least 10,000
Why is he doing this?
Does anyone else feel like game dev is super easy and terribly difficult all at the same time?
Meet Godmaw. He'll be sorely missed.
We prefer to just sit back and watch voters F around and Find Out
I'm a novice FL user, does anyone else make a couple melodies and then just kind of get stuck?
Anyone know the secret to getting these spots out of my mirror? Tried soap, isopropyl & vinegar (separately) and no idea what caused it
Unc was outta there!. Lol
Which horror movie had a 10/10 first act but it was all decline after that?
I have had this happen at job many times.
Could Fermi’s paradox explain why fantasy worlds never progress past a medieval or renaissance level of technology?
what do I do?
What do I put it in here to full up the space?
How do you make a drumless beat not sound choppy