Poor Frieren
POV: You're a tank player when hero bans are implemented
Deaths intended to be big emotional moments but end up falling flat as a result of writing or acting
Dokkan “takes” in the mud rn
Which fusion is your favorite?
Hate standardized testing. So much.
Between these 7, who would be worthy to wield Mjölnir?
which nation you think this character belong ?
An insurmountable foe finally felled... Only to reveal they are one of many
If the 4 classes in DRG were in D&D, what classes would correspond best?
Is this rare?
What Do You Think Is Best Game Of 2001?
Characters that are unhealthy for the game
What should I add to this drg cave I'm drawing?
Toothbrush off button swole up
When the bad show/movie gets good for five minutes
Current state of playing tank
I recreated how I think Cassidy's "Past Noon" perk should work using the Workshop
Favorite Perks?
Made an enby pridePhone Wallpaper
Hey, why not?
Not only this anime
Official Designs that the entire fandom rejects
Iwant to buy a DLC but im not sure witch? Is there like a trent or a community opinion i need to consider?