Every single country is transported to an uninhabited earth for 10 years before reuniting. Which country will be in the worst shape and which will be in the best?
Trump statement on military action against the Houthis
Daredevil w guns vs spiderman not holding back
6k Roman Legionnaires and 1k Mongol Lancers vs 10k Spartans
Who would win: 1950s North Korea & 1950s China vs. 1940s Germany
Alice vs Selene vs Alita vs Kimiko
Recently unfrozen caveman VS. Prime Muhammed Ali
[Warhammer 40K] Although their motives are unclear, Alpha Legion undoubtedly committed many serious crimes against the Imperium. If they are even still loyal to Big E, would the Imperium forgive and accept them back, or would Big E need to intervene for their full acceptance?
[Marvel/DC] Why don't superheroes (like superman) use their body as a level against their super strong opponents and try to break their bones or something?
Why is Donald Trump crashing the US economy? Because he’s high on his own supply of fake news
Exclusive: How the White House defied a judge's order to turn back deportation flights
che ne pensereste di un'ipotetica federazione europea?
Opinion | We Were Badly Misled About Covid (Gift Article)
Autista del 20 sbaglia strada, tenta inversione a U e blocca via San Donato
Ue, ecco il piano per risvegliare i risparmi parcheggiati in banca
Immigration agents arrested a U.S. citizen and created warrants after an arrest, lawyers say in court | Chicago attorneys were in federal court Thursday accusing federal agents of violating immigration law and the constitutional rights of at least 22 people since January
EU diplomats suggest doubling military aid for Ukraine this year
L'Italia è davvero uno dei paesi peggiori d'Europa?
Domanda seria sui test MST/IST
Not all men? Come vanno i rapporti etero a letto?
Tv show Omni-man vs MCU Thanos (either with or without the infinity stones)
What is the smallest force from the Imperium of Man that could completely take over the Star Wars galaxy?
Super Soldier x3 vs MCU Thanos (No stones)
Imperium (WH40K) vs Covenant (halo). Who can destroy a planet the most thoroughly and the fastest???
1 Space Marine (Warhammer 40K) VS 4 Helldivers (Helldivers)