Blackpool’s original South Shore Lido, demolished and replaced by the Sandcastle Water Park in the 1980s
Barren Cold
Bicycle Parking/Storage in central Oxford
Bicycle parking in central Oxford near Chemistry Department
Are there more films that feature a scene in the London Underground?
this actually happened at my school
Martin Lewis is keeping us from crisis
What’s a car which was initially seen as ugly but now you think looks good?
What President Did the Most For Black Americans
Name one good thing about his presidency.
Death Beds
Let’s say hypothetically the 20th century presidents were president during WW2, who would handle it the best and who would handle it the worst? (Excluding FDR)
From best to worst, which of the 20th century presidents had the best civil rights policies? (I didn’t include McKinley because his term ended in 1901 and his main presidency was in the late 1800s)
An interesting title
What do you think are some of the best presidential slogans?
A small price to pay
Does a Casio graphing Calculator (fx-CG50-S-UH) help you in A level Maths?
Which two-term President deserved a third term?
If you coul say anything to Dwight Eisenhower, what would it be?
Which Presidents were/are the best role models for young people?
My Updated Ranking
Can anyone recommend a good history of post-war Britain?
Where would you rank hoover without the great depression?
Who is your favorite Presidnet and why? My favorite is Coolidge, he was a simple small Government Libertarian, which I like. What about you?
What if president Thomas Jefferson banned sugar?