The last thing you drank is her name.
Any HSP in Product/Project Management?
What flavors and textures are too overwhelming for you?
Folks tell me the truth Does it stick out too much?
What does the mini fridge that's within an arm's reach of my bed say about me?
What emotions come to mind for you? I’m trying to come up with a name for this piece…
Disliking staying overnight at other people’s houses as you’ve gotten older?
Family looking to move to Norwich
AITA for telling my friend that I've been distant because she's 'too rational'?
Do you only see people as beautiful based on personality?
29, no makeup, no filters- how can I improve my look?
How not to overshare?
Am I overreacting?
Best coffee beans in the city?
Should I Get a Rescue Dog Despite My Work Travel and Mild Depression?
[OC] 1st of Feb marked 4 years since I kicked my eating disorder and drug habit!
Would/Did you change your surname after marriage? Why?/Why not?
Dog “checks on” everyone when we go on family outings
Moving to Norwich
AITA for telling my sister that the world doesn’t revolve around her miscarriage
WIBTA if I report my engagement ring as stolen because my gf won’t give it back to me after saying no?
Therapy isn’t for hsps ?
Weird discovery in family tree
Thinking positively is the worst thing