I watched a dying man today.
Any ideas??
Living room lameness
Cat walking with hunched back and avoids walking
Baby shower outfit - option one or two or both too low cut?
AITA for refusing to share my family recipe with my sister-in-law, even though it caused a huge blow-up at Thanksgiving?
My choices were not for me.
AIO friend moved in and not going well
I can't believe America would rather choose the Orange Supervillain over Kamala Harris
Update: Devastated and Spiraling. I (M35) found a condom wrapper in my wife’s (34F) car. Now what?
Cousin Bride Doesn't Invite Me But Many Others & Later Asks For Money
Quiet Places to work around LA/WeHo Area
My (f26) boyfriend (m27) keeps humiliating himself at events, what can I do?
35 and feeling laggy..
Sunk cost fallacy and racing: ever ran a race when you shouldn’t have?
What horror movie led to your sexual awakening?
My friend (25F) invited me (21F) to go on holiday, then immediately ditched me
I need parental approval (or have to have discussions with them) for everything I do.
Shampoo / Conditioner Recs for my godforsaken 1a hair??
AITAH for leaving home after my husband said I should handle the cost of all the IVF sessions only because I'm the cause of infertility in our marriage?
32F. I know I'm a little ugly, how do I get to even just a little above average? (Already lost 20lbs and losing more)
I think my roommate is scamming me.
My Fiancé Left Me Abruptly 20 Days Before Wedding
What's the weirdest thing guest has done at your house?
Satisfying desserts you can eat after dinner