Giveaway! Original Ænima vinyl. Comment to enter.
Can anyone help me identify this cymbal?
Sound demo
My setup so far.
My collection so far! Which one is your favorite?
Practiced my Bonham triplets last evening! (Don't mind the stank face)
What are the most expensive/valuable items in your record collection?
4:6 polyrhythm.
Taken in my town, i thought Maybe someone would like it.
Is grounding my amp like this safe?
Nirvana - Cursed As You Are
Did a cover of Foo Fighters - Big me. Any feedback +/-?
Hey guys, what do you think of this speaker placement? Any feedback?
Is there anything more terrifying than a bios update?
Bought this in a local vinyl shop. Couldn't find it on discogs so i added it. Seems pretty rare.
My brother says that storing vinyl in this rack will damage the sleeves. Does anyone have experience with this kind of rack?
Youtube videos are blurry on full screen except when you scroll. Does anyone experience this as well?
Beina druif tijd jonges!
Piet pieraat paast je een stikkie, Aksepteer je?
(LG C1) My YouTube app is constantly booting and restarting itself. I tried reinstalling YouTube without success. Any ideas?
Snake poop
my hybrid Collider stopped working this morning out of nothing. Won't connect and doesn't want to reset. My warranty expired. Does anyone have tips?
Music prodiction with the Sony WH1000XM4
Het is weer bijna tijd. Zet u schrap!