Quick description of me: Leftist (Marxist), Europe lover, Want to visit every single European country (and subreddit lol)
Angela Merkel kritisiert den Begriff „Putin-Versteher“ – und wirbt für „Diskurs über Interessen Russlands“
About the "Nice Greek song" meme
Can we stop bashing Spain-Greece, and focus on Sweden-Finland for a change?
Trump admin by religious affiliation (updated)
Yasu, From a Friend of Greece. What, in your opinion, has to change for Greece to implement "Scandinavian Administration/Burocracy"?
I wish the UK was what Poland is…
Anybody can recommend a book in English about the early economic messurements of Lee Kuan Yew after the split with Malaysia?
Macedonian Presidential Advisor Suggests Ending Treaties with Bulgaria and Greece - Novinite.com - Sofia News Agency
The turkish talk page of the Armenian Genocide is full with ahistorical, non-sourced genocide denial. The wikipedia article uses "Ermeni Kırımı" (Armenian Massacre) instead of "Ermeni Soykırımı" in order to avoid using the word "genocide".
Church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin in Puchły, Poland.
The Anti-Syria propaganda machine won’t show you this:
The half of Greece's population lives in this small area.
The EU drank too much stupid juice lately
Any book recomendation on how to destruct capitalism/Fascism inside a democracy?
Germany supports the creation of a European Army (survey)
Ist eine Reform der katholischen Kirche sinnvoll?
Fitness Influencer refuses to let Trans Women into her "All Female Gym"
An Azerbaijani removing the spectre of Lenin in 1991 following the fall of the Soviet Union
Die EU rüstet massiv auf. Von Verteidigung kann nicht mehr die Rede sein, es scheint eine große Konfrontation zu sein. Macron bringt schon den Atomschutzschirm ins Spiel
The new Tik Tok guidelines are absurd 😭
Keine Abstimmung mit der AfD: Wie seht ihr das?
About Apostate Prophet