I do not believe this. I think they wanna show off their sticker.
Slapped on my friend’s 2018 Model 3’s windshield in Sherman Oaks, CA today
LRAD (about 150db) used on peacefull protests in Serbia
"We are not a cult"
Happy Toyota-thon
MLB Store in Xi'an China
They really didn't like this one.
These students trying to escape
Think wisely this could be the worst 3-24 hours of your life
Best HP cover up ever.
Should I be concerned?
Augusto pinochet has entered the chat 😂
Jurrangelo Cijntje pitches 92mph as a lefty, then 95mph as a righty
The woman who assaulted a wombat joey.
Just for fun - pick your top 5 from the pictured guitarists!
Ok it’s happening…
Some Stickers I’ve Made
Bought a co-op in NYC, $745k at 6.125%
An Opinion/Take that'd have you like this?
drake the type of offended oliver to post something like this after being memed about
As seen on X. What is this hinting at?
Sour wizardry?
What’s an actor/actress you believe is not as good as people make them out to be?
Get Fucked, Cory